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Meaning of Dreams

Table of Contents

To Dream of Accident
  To Dream of Adultery
  To Dream of Air
  To Dream of Almonds
  To Dream of Altar
  To Dream of Alms
  To Dream of Anchor
  To Dream of Angry
  To Dream of Ape
  To Dream of Apples
  To Dream of Apricots
  To Dream of Apple Tree
  To Dream of Artichokes
  To Dream of Argument
  To Dream of Arm
  To Dream of Ashes
  To Dream of Asparagus
  To Dream of Ass (donkey)
  To Dream of Aunt
  To Dream of Angel
  To Dream of Ants
  To Dream of Authority
  To Dream of Baby
  To Dream of Baker
  To Dream of Balloon
  To Dream of Barley
  To Dream of Basket
  To Dream of Babboon
  To Dream of Ball
  To Dream of Bank
  To Dream of Barber
  To Dream of Barn
  To Dream of Bath
  To Dream of Beggar
  To Dream of Bells
  To Dream of Bear
  To Dream of Beans
  To Dream of Bed
  To Dream of Beer
  To Dream of Bees
  To Dream of Blind Person
  To Dream of Blows
  To Dream of Boots
  To Dream of Bonnet
  To Dream of Boat
  To Dream of Bones
  To Dream of Book
  To Dream of Bow and Arrows
  To Dream of Bottles
  To Dream of Bouquet
  To Dream of Brandy
  To Dream of Brook
  To Dream of Briars
  To Dream of Betrothal
  To Dream of Birds
  To Dream of Bite
  To Dream of Billiards
  To Dream of Biscuit
  To Dream of Blessing or Benediction
  To Dream of Blackbird
  To Dream of Bridge
  To Dream of Bread
  To Dream of Bugs
  To Dream of Bull
  To Dream of Butcher
  To Dream of Butterfly
  To Dream of Butter
  To Dream of Cabbage
  To Dream of Cage
  To Dream of Cakes
  To Dream of Calf
  To Dream of Camel
  To Dream of Candle
  To Dream of Candy
  To Dream of Cane
  To Dream of Cards
  To Dream of Carpenter
  To Dream of Cart
  To Dream of Cave
  To Dream of Carving
  To Dream of Cat
  To Dream of Cellar
  To Dream of Cemetery
  To Dream of Chain
  To Dream of Challenge
  To Dream of Cherries
  To Dream of Chicken
  To Dream of Cheese
  To Dream of Chestnuts
  To Dream of Child
  To Dream of Church
  To Dream of Chess
  To Dream of Cider
  To Dream of Clams
  To Dream of Clock
  To Dream of Coal
  To Dream of Cock
  To Dream of Colic
  To Dream of Corkscrew
  To Dream of Corpse
  To Dream of Cow
  To Dream of Cobbler
  To Dream of Coffee
  To Dream of Coffin
  To Dream of Cooking
  To Dream of Corn
  To Dream of Crabs
  To Dream of Cradle, or Crib
  To Dream of Cricket
  To Dream of Crocodile
  To Dream of Cross
  To Dream of Crow
  To Dream of Crowd
  To Dream of Crutches
  To Dream of Cucumber
  To Dream of Currants
  To Dream of Cypress
  To Dream of Dancing
  To Dream of Debts
  To Dream of Doctor
  To Dream of Dog
  To Dream of Desertion
  To Dream of Devil
  To Dream of Diamonds
  To Dream of Dice
  To Dream of Dirt
  To Dream of Dispute
  To Dream of Dishes
  To Dream of Ditch
  To Dream of Door
  To Dream of Dove
  To Dream of Draughts
  To Dream of Drawing
  To Dream of Drowning
  To Dream of Drum
  To Dream of Duck
  To Dream of Duel
  To Dream of Dumb
  To Dream of Dwarf
  To Dream of Dyer
  To Dream of Eagle
  To Dream of Eating
  To Dream of Eclipse
  To Dream of Eels
  To Dream of Eggs
  To Dream of Elephant
  To Dream of Embroidery
  To Dream of Epitaph
  To Dream of Eyes
  To Dream of Face
  To Dream of Fairs
  To Dream of Falling
  To Dream of Fan
  To Dream of Farmer
  To Dream of Fatigue
  To Dream of Father-in-Law
  To Dream of Feast
  To Dream of Feathers
  To Dream of Fields
  To Dream of Fingers
  To Dream of Figs
  To Dream of Flowers
  To Dream of Flute
  To Dream of Fire
  To Dream of Firearms
  To Dream of Fish
  To Dream of Flag
  To Dream of Flame
  To Dream of Fleas
  To Dream of Flies
  To Dream of Flood
  To Dream of Fog
  To Dream of Forest
  To Dream of Fountain
  To Dream of Fox
  To Dream of Frogs
  To Dream of Fruits
  To Dream of Funeral
  To Dream of Fur
  To Dream of Gallows
  To Dream of Gambling
  To Dream of Game
  To Dream of Garden
  To Dream of Garlic
  To Dream of Garments
  To Dream of Garter
  To Dream of Gauze
  To Dream of Ghost
  To Dream of Gift
  To Dream of Gloves
  To Dream of Goat
  To Dream of Gold
  To Dream of Goose
  To Dream of Grandparents
  To Dream of Grapes
  To Dream of Grass
  To Dream of Grasshopper
  To Dream of Grave
  To Dream of Guitar
  To Dream of Hail
  To Dream of Hair
  To Dream of Ham
  To Dream of Harp
  To Dream of Harvest
  To Dream of Hay
  To Dream of Heart
  To Dream of Heaven
  To Dream of Hell
  To Dream of Hen
  To Dream of Herbs
  To Dream of Hermit
  To Dream of Hill
  To Dream of Hole
  To Dream of Holly
  To Dream of Honey
  To Dream of Horse
  To Dream of Hotel
  To Dream of House
  To Dream of Hunger
  To Dream of Hunt
  To Dream of Husband
  To Dream of Ice
  To Dream of Imps
  To Dream of Infants
  To Dream of Ink
  To Dream of Insanity
  To Dream of Iron
  To Dream of Island
  To Dream of Itch
  To Dream of Ivory
  To Dream of Intoxication
  To Dream of Ivy
  To Dream of Jail
  To Dream of Jaw
  To Dream of Joy
  To Dream of Judge
  To Dream of Jug
  To Dream of Keys
  To Dream of Killing
  To Dream of Kids
  To Dream of King
  To Dream of Kiss
  To Dream of Kitchen
  To Dream of Kite
  To Dream of Knife
  To Dream of Knitting
  To Dream of Knots
  To Dream of Labor
  To Dream of Ladder
  To Dream of Lady
  To Dream of Lambs
  To Dream of Lame Person
  To Dream of Lamps
  To Dream of Landscape
  To Dream of Lantern
  To Dream of Larks
  To Dream of Laughter
  To Dream of Leg
  To Dream of Letter
  To Dream of Lice
  To Dream of Lightning
  To Dream of Lily
  To Dream of Linen
  To Dream of Lion
  To Dream of Liver
  To Dream of Lizard
  To Dream of Laurel
  To Dream of Lawyer
  To Dream of Lead
  To Dream of Leaves
  To Dream of Leech
  To Dream of Leeks
  To Dream of Lettuce
  To Dream of Locksmith
  To Dream of Lottery Tickets
  To Dream of Love
  To Dream of Lovers
  To Dream of Macaroni
  To Dream of Man
  To Dream of Mantle
  To Dream of Manure
  To Dream of Maps
  To Dream of Marble
  To Dream of Markets
  To Dream of Marsh
  To Dream of Masks
  To Dream of Measles
  To Dream of Meat
  To Dream of Melon
  To Dream of Mice
  To Dream of Milestone
  To Dream of Milk
  To Dream of Mills
  To Dream of Mire
  To Dream of Mirror
  To Dream of Money
  To Dream of Money-Lender
  To Dream of Monkey
  To Dream of Moon
  To Dream of Mourning
  To Dream of Mouth
  To Dream of Mud
  To Dream of Mule
  To Dream of Music
  To Dream of Mustard
  To Dream of Myrtle
  To Dream of Nails
  To Dream of Nakedness
  To Dream of Navigating
  To Dream of Necklace
  To Dream of Needles
  To Dream of Nest
  To Dream of Newspaper
  To Dream of Night
  To Dream of Nightingale
  To Dream of Nose
  To Dream of Nurse
  To Dream of Nuts
  To Dream of Oak
  To Dream of Oars
  To Dream of Offer of Marriage
  To Dream of Office
  To Dream of Oil
  To Dream of Old Person
  To Dream of Olives
  To Dream of Onions
  To Dream of Opera
  To Dream of Orange Blossom
  To Dream of Oranges
  To Dream of Orchard
  To Dream of Ostrich
  To Dream of Oven
  To Dream of Owl
  To Dream of Oysters
  To Dream of Pain
  To Dream of Painter
  To Dream of Palm-Tree
  To Dream of Paper
  To Dream of Parent
  To Dream of Parrot
  To Dream of Pastry
  To Dream of Paths
  To Dream of Pawnbroker
  To Dream of Peacock
  To Dream of Peaches
  To Dream of Pearls
  To Dream of Pears
  To Dream of Peas
  To Dream of Pens
  To Dream of Peddler
  To Dream of Pepper
  To Dream of Pheasant
  To Dream of Piano
  To Dream of Pig
  To Dream of Pigeon
  To Dream of Pillow
  To Dream of Pills
  To Dream of Pine Tree
  To Dream of Pins
  To Dream of Pirates
  To Dream of Pitch
  To Dream of Pitchfork
  To Dream of Playing
  To Dream of Plums
  To Dream of Policeman
  To Dream of Pomegranate
  To Dream of Postman
  To Dream of Poverty
  To Dream of Preserves
  To Dream of Priest
  To Dream of Procession
  To Dream of Pump
  To Dream of Purchase
  To Dream of Purse
  To Dream of Puzzle
  To Dream of Quail
  To Dream of Quarrel
  To Dream of Queen
  To Dream of Questions
  To Dream of Quill
  To Dream of Quoits
  To Dream of Rabbit
  To Dream of Racing
  To Dream of Radishes
  To Dream of Raft
  To Dream of Rain
  To Dream of Rainbow
  To Dream of Rat
  To Dream of Raven
  To Dream of Reading
  To Dream of Reaper
  To Dream of Revenge
  To Dream of Ribbons
  To Dream of Rice
  To Dream of Ride
  To Dream of Ring
  To Dream of Riot
  To Dream of Rival
  To Dream of River
  To Dream of Throw one's self in) confusion in affairs.
  To Dream of Robber
  To Dream of Rock
  To Dream of Roof
  To Dream of Roses
  To Dream of Satisfaction; (yellow) jealousy.
  To Dream of Ruffles
  To Dream of Ruins
  To Dream of Rust
  To Dream of Sailor
  To Dream of Salad
  To Dream of Salt
  To Dream of Satin or Silk
  To Dream of Sausage
  To Dream of Saw
  To Dream of Scissors
  To Dream of Scratches
  To Dream of Screech-Owl
  To Dream of Sculptor
  To Dream of Sea
  To Dream of Seabeach
  To Dream of Secretary
  To Dream of Serenade
  To Dream of Sermon
  To Dream of Servant
  To Dream of Sewing
  To Dream of Shawl
  To Dream of Sheep
  To Dream of Shell
  To Dream of Shepherd
  To Dream of Ship
  To Dream of Shoes
  To Dream of Shop
  To Dream of Shroud
  To Dream of Singing
  To Dream of Skating
  To Dream of Skeleton
  To Dream of Sky
  To Dream of Sleep
  To Dream of Slippers
  To Dream of Smoke
  To Dream of Snail
  To Dream of Snakes
  To Dream of Sneezing
  To Dream of Snow
  To Dream of Soap
  To Dream of Soldier
  To Dream of Soup
  To Dream of Spectacles
  To Dream of Spider
  To Dream of Pleasure.
  To Dream of Sponge
  To Dream of Sports
  To Dream of Spot
  To Dream of Spy
  To Dream of Stable
  To Dream of Stag
  To Dream of Stammer
  To Dream of Stars
  To Dream of Stocking
  To Dream of Stones
  To Dream of Storks
  To Dream of Storm
  To Dream of Stove
  To Dream of Stranger
  To Dream of Strange Bed
  To Dream of Strange Room
  To Dream of Strawberries
  To Dream of Straws
  To Dream of Street
  To Dream of Sugar
  To Dream of Sun
  To Dream of Success; (setting) losses.
  To Dream of Supper
  To Dream of Swallow
  To Dream of Swans
  To Dream of Swearing
  To Dream of Sweeping
  To Dream of Swimming
  To Dream of Swords
  To Dream of Table
  To Dream of Tailor
  To Dream of Tea
  To Dream of Tears
  To Dream of Teeth
  To Dream of Ten-Pins
  To Dream of Tent
  To Dream of Theater
  To Dream of Thicket
  To Dream of Thief
  To Dream of Thimble
  To Dream of Thirst
  To Dream of Thistle
  To Dream of Thorns
  To Dream of Thread
  To Dream of Thunder
  To Dream of Tiger
  To Dream of Toads
  To Dream of Tomb
  To Dream of Torches
  To Dream of Trap-Door
  To Dream of Travel
  To Dream of Treasure
  To Dream of Trees
  To Dream of Trousers
  To Dream of Turkey
  To Dream of Turnips
  To Dream of Twins
  To Dream of Umbrella
  To Dream of Suit.
  To Dream of Uncle
  To Dream of Undress
  To Dream of Uniform
  To Dream of Vegetables
  To Dream of Veil
  To Dream of Veins
  To Dream of Vermin
  To Dream of Villain
  To Dream of Vine
  To Dream of Vinegar
  To Dream of Violets
  To Dream of Violin
  To Dream of Visitors
  To Dream of Virgin
  To Dream of Vulture
  To Dream of Wagon
  To Dream of Wake
  To Dream of Wall
  To Dream of War
  To Dream of Wardrobe
  To Dream of Wash-Day
  To Dream of Wasps
  To Dream of Watch
  To Dream of Watchman
  To Dream of Water
  To Dream of Reconciliation.
  To Dream of Water Carrier
  To Dream of Wax
  To Dream of Weasel
  To be outwitted.
  To Dream of Wedding
  To Dream of Well
  To Dream of Wheat
  To Dream of Wheelbarrow, Wheel
  To Dream of Whirlwind
  To Dream of Widowhood
  To Dream of Wife
  To Dream of Wolf
  To Dream of Woman
  To Dream of Wood-Cutter
  To Dream of Woods
  To Dream of Work
  To Dream of Worms
  To Dream of Wreck
  To Dream of Writing
  To Dream of Yeast
  To Dream of Yoke
  To Dream of Youth

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